HUGE GAME SATURDAY – Remember to practice safe & active transportation!

The UNC TAR HEELS are in the final four THIS SATURDAY, April 1, 2017!!!  WOW! 

As a result, there will be much fun in Chapel Hill, but with a lot of fun also comes less attention to those getting out and about with active transportation.  Please be sure to be attentive to everyone around you on the road including those in cars, bicycles, pedestrians and those taking CHAPEL HILL TRANSIT! 

Be mindful that if you are cycling on Saturday in Chapel Hill to have that bike in good shape as well as having bike helmet, lights and the other proper equipment for a TAR HEEL DAY bike!

Go Heels!  Enjoy cheering for UNC while getting wherever you are watching it, safely!!!


Chapel Hill Town Council Shows Pedestrian Crossings Are Important For Getting About Town!

Abbey Road meets Rosemary and Henderson!  The Town of Chapel Hill now has 10 new high visibility crosswalks on Rosemary Street, Henderson Street, Willow Drive and Cameron Avenue.  The crosswalks are designed to bring more attention to crossing areas for motorists as pedestrians move about town.  The crosswalks also encourage people to think about getting around without their cars, including getting to and from work. 

A combination of using transit and walking to work provides a great way to begin a day… or of course, riding a bicycle too (but remember to ride on the street and not the sidewalk)!  Keep those crosswalks safe for pedestrians! 

Hum a little Beatles as you go out to explore the new crosswalks in Chapel Hill and remember… in Chapel Hill, “We love you, yeah, yeah, yeah!” Always working hard to keep the community safe for everyone!

Abbey Road Town Council 2017