Vets On The Move


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Mission:  To engage and connect Veterans to a viable and equitable multi-modal transportation in our community. 

The Vets on the Move program provides assistance with alternative transportation for veterans who are transitioning into civilian life.  Veterans can get information about the ride-along buddy program and alternative transportation in Chapel Hill (transit, biking, walking, or rolling) below.  Email to receive a Commute Toolkit and find out best routes, try electric bicycles and sign up for monthly gift card drawings.

Transitioning into civilian life is tricky for anyone but for those that experience difficulties, alternative transportation use, can trigger PTSD making getting to work or appointments difficult for Veterans.  The Vets on the Move program assists Veterans in using public transportation to get to work and medical or mental health appointments.  Ride-along buddies will accompany those needing someone to ride along for three sessions until they are comfortable using public transportation alone.

Volunteers, including veterans and Town of Chapel Hill employees, helped to develop the program along with Veteran’s themselves.  The Vets On the Move program is one of two similar programs in the United States, and the only program like this, on the East Coast.

The Town’s Go Chapel Hill program strives to find ways that everyone can use commute choices other than a single occupancy vehicle to get to where they need to go.  Not everyone has access to a car and the Vets On The Move program offers services to veterans in assisting them to understand all the options available in Chapel Hill.  Chapel Hill is thankful for our Veterans’ service.

There are also special events during the year where Veterans might gather information and meet other Veterans in the area. An example of special events is a Salute to Veterans Bicycle Community Ride – The Jim Huegerich Ride as seen in the image below.

For more information email or call 919 – 969 – 7717.

Earn Points Towards Gift Cards

There is a great way to earn points towards gift card drawings just for cycling, walking, carpooling, teleworking or taking the bus to work. To learn more go to to sigh up today!

Buddy Ride-A-Long

Once Chapel Hill restrictions have lifted regarding COVID, there will be a Buddy Ride-A-Long program to assist Veterans (up to three times) to access their destinations using bicycle, walking, wheeling or bus.  This is a no-charge program. To find a Ride-A-Long Buddy or to be a buddy, contact


Cycling in Chapel Hill and surrounding areas can be enjoyable and efficient when equipped with a solid bicycle, helmet and other tools.  Local merchants offer free inspections on bicycles as well as offering free demonstrations for in-store bicycles.  Contact if needing bicycle lights, handle-bar tote bags and some other helpful cycling items.


Chapel Hill and surrounding areas are part of a program called which anonymously can match people with similar routes ,to others registered for carpooling to common destinations. Personal information is hidden during the matching process.


The area has a connected system of buses that can move people from nearby cities including Greensboro, Burlington, Mebane, Hillsborough, Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh and many places in-between. 

  • Park-and-Ride:  There are Park & Ride areas scattered throughout where cars can be parked at no charge in many places, or in Chapel Hill, for a minimal fee. Buses from the Park & Ride lots can easily connect you to your final destination. Park-and-Ride lots located in Chapel Hill and Carrboro require a parking permit.
  • Bike Racks on Buses:  All area buses have bicycle racks located on the front of each bus.  Combining the use of a bicycle with a bus can get you farther faster! Learn how to use the bus bike rack at
  • Paratransit:  EZ Rider is a demand-response, shared-ride service providing origin-to-destination (generally means door to door) service on an advance reservation basis. Eligibility assistance is available at (919) 969-4920.
  • Bus Routes and Connections:  Four ways to determine best routes for your trip,
  • Use the  Plan Your Trip  feature by putting in where the trip begins and ends to view best way to get there.  Open Go Triangle and search for Trip Planner. 
  • Check the website of the bus system for routes.