Vets On the Move – Commute Options Event June 25 at 140 West Franklin 4 pm – 6 pm

The Vets on the Move program provides assistance with alternative transportation for veterans who are transitioning into civilian life. Learn more at the Veterans Commute Options Event from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday, June 25, at 140 West Franklin Plaza.  Everyone is asked to please wear a mask and maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet from non-household members.

At the event, veterans can get more information about the ride-along buddy program and alternative transportation in Chapel Hill (transit, biking, walking, or rolling). Get a Commute Toolkit and find out your best routes, try electric bicycles and sign up for monthly gift card drawings.

PTSD triggers can make getting to work or appointments difficult for veterans. The Vets on the Move program assists veterans in using public transportation to get to work and medical or mental health appointments. Ride-along buddies will accompany those needing someone to ride along for three sessions until they are comfortable using public transportation alone.

Volunteers, including veterans and Town of Chapel Hill employees, helped to develop the program, which was envisioned by Len Cone, Town of Chapel Hill Transportation Demand Community Manager. This is one of two similar programs in the country, and the only program like this on the East Coast.

Len says, “The Town’s Go Chapel Hill program strives to find ways that everyone can use commute choices other than a single occupancy vehicle to get to where they need to go.  Not everyone has access to a car and the Vets On The Move program offers services to veterans in assisting them to understand all the options available in Chapel Hill.  This is a very small thing we can do, compared to all that they have given to us.  We are thankful for our Veterans’ service.”

For more information on Vets on the Move and transportation alternatives, visit


BACH and CBC Meet June 21 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. All Welcome.

Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill is hoping to have either an in-person meeting or an in-person gathering sometime in July. Know of a good spot? Bring all ideas. They will also be asking for volunteers for the bike rodeo coming up in July.
Also, as part of the Juneteenth celebrations, there will be a Justice Journey ride that will begin at the Northside Elementary parking lot at 9 a.m. (350 Caldwell Street, Chapel Hill). It will be a short ride, with opening remarks from Carrboro Town Councilperson Barbara Foushee and Ms. Kendall Lytle, president of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP Youth Council. Come add your presence!
Topic: Bike Carrboro – BACH Joint meeting
Time: June 21, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 870 4764 1658
Passcode: 628877

Town Proposing Bike Lanes on Culbreth Road

The Town of Chapel Hill is proposing to add bike lanes to Culbreth Road this summer.

The Town of Chapel Hill is proposing to add bike lanes to Culbreth Road as part of a scheduled resurfacing and repaving project by the NC DOT this summer.

The Culbreth repaving project will start as early as July 1and is scheduled to be completed before the start of the school year in August. As part of this resurfacing, the Town is looking at adding bike lanes on Culbreth Road, as included in the Mobility & Connectivity Plan. This would be accomplished by narrowing vehicle lanes and removing the center turn lane. This change would keep the left turn into the kiss-and-go driveway at Culbreth Middle School, the left turn into Adams Way, and the intersections of Smith Level Road and US Highway 15-501.

The Town modeled the changes in the town-wide traffic model and found little to no delay as a result of removing the turn lanes. For full details on the analysis and the proposed lane changes, visit the project’s webpage.

The Town wants to hear your feedback on the proposed changes to Culbreth Road. Feedback is being collected through:

  • A short survey to gauge community interest and concerns. You can take the survey at
  • A virtual public information meeting on June 10 from 7-8 p.m. You can register for the event at
  • A virtual public information meeting on June 14 from 11 a.m.–12 noon. You can register for the event at

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Josh Mayo, transportation planner, at